Welcome, welcome.
Academic part
- Graduate student @ School of Physics, Peking Univ.
- Supervised by GEEEE Chen (陈基)
- Email: hxchen(at)
- 2017.09 - 2021.06, Bachelor, Physics, Peking University
- 2021.09 - now, PhD student, Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Peking University
Research Interests
Strongly correlated (model) systems, with quantum Monte Carlo.
Currently applying neural network quantum Monte Carlo (NNQMC, NNVMC, ML-VMC) to studying quantum phases in strong-correlated systems, such as:
- Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid @ ab inito hydrogen chain
- Correlated insulators @ Moire systems.
Previously struggled with Hubbard model using FCIQMC.
Publications & Preprints
- Haoxiang Chen, Weiluo Ren, Xiang Li and Ji Chen. Probing quantum critical phase from neural network wavefunction.
- Jing Chang, Haoxiang Chen, Peng Gao and Ji Chen. Spin singlet pairing of bismuth in titania.
(derive the effective hopping model with downfolding) - Mouyang Cheng, Haoxiang Chen and Ji Chen. Regulating Anderson Localization with Structural Defect Disorder.
(regular discussion)
- 2024.10.26 “Probing quantum critical phase with neural network quantum Monte Carlo” @ Quantum Monte Carlo Youth Forum, Chongqing, China
- “Haoxiang” sounds like “how-shuaang”. “X” sounds more like “ch” in “sprichst” if you know Deutsch.
Non-academic part
- 谜题巡猎 / puzzle hunt:
- CCBC13&14 (Eat Well Sleep Well); MiaoHunt 2023 (猫猫鉴赏团); CCBC9R (一届好题); P&KU3上 (江南四大才子); CCBC15 (一队好人)
- 城市定向系列: MV4, MVϑ, MV5
- (休闲) 骑行:
- “禅与自行车维修艺术”: 车的齿轮如何运转一般还是直观的、讲道理的,可以假设与检验;但是提出假设的过程不是完全理性的,而需要基于”经验”
- 喜欢蹦蹦跳跳,所以和公路车大抵没什么缘分
- 学习语言:
- 浅尝辄止,基本上是为了好玩
- 普通话(流利); 闽南语(能说), English (can speak); 日本語 (学んでいる); Deutsch (nur ein bisschen)
- 写信:
- 收到明信片时很快乐
About this blog
- About physics, shower thought and randomness.
- Basically written in Chinese, 物理随笔中不想强调的部分会用英文写.
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